목적: 신축초등학교와 대조학교를 선정하여 교실 내 포름알데히드와 TVOCs를 측정하고 컴퓨터 신경행동검사를 이용하여 실내공기 오염물질이 학생들의 인지기능에 미치는 영향을 평가하였다. 방법: 신축초등학교 5학년 71명을 실내공기 오염물질 노출군으로 하고, 개교한지 12년째인 대구시의 일개 초등학교 5학년 2학급 63명을 대조군으로 하여 실내공기 오염물질농도 측정 및 컴퓨터 신경행동검사를 실시하였다. 결과: 신축학교에서 의도적으로 창문을 개방한 학급에서 1교시 포름알데히드 농도는 34.6 μg/㎥, 4교시에는 27.3 μg/㎥, 창문을 개방하지 않은 학급에서 1교시 80.2 μg/㎥, 4교시 127.1 μg/㎥, 대조학교에서는 2학급 각각 1교시에 12.6 μg/㎥, 7.5 μg/㎥, 4교시에 19.8 μg/㎥, 25.2 μg/㎥였다. TVOCs의 경우 신축학교의 의도적으로 창문을 개방한 학급에서 1교시에 농도는 487.2 μg/㎥, 4 교시에 428.2 μg/㎥, 창문을 개방하지 않은 학급에서 1 교시에 농도는 1,283.5 μg/㎥, 4교시에 1,715.4 μg/㎥, 대조학교의 경우 2학급에서 각각 1교시에 농도는 240.9 μg/㎥, 150.8 μg/㎥, 4교시에 농도는 371.9 μg/㎥, 448.0 μg/㎥였다 부호숫자 짝짓기의 평균반응시간은 대조학급이 1교시에 2,585 msec에서 4교시에 2,459 msec으로 감소한 반면 신축학교의 창문을 의도적으로 개방한 학급은 2,343 msec에서 2,510 msec으로, 평소대로 수업한 학급은 2,340 msec에서 2,563 msec으로 반응시간이 각각 167 msec, 223 msec 증가하였다. 1교시의 부호숫자 짝짓기의 반응시간을 100%로 했을 때 창문을 의도적으로 개방한 학급은 4교시에 5.9% 증가하였고(p<0.01), 평소대로 수업한 학급은 8.3% 증가하였다(p<0.01). 반면에 대조학급은 4교시에 5.0% 감소하였다(p<0.01). 결론: 향후 학교의 실내공기질의 안전성 평가는 샘플링 된 공기의 오염수준의 측정뿐만 아니라 학생들의 건강영향도 함께 고려되는 것이 바람직할 것이다.
Objectives: Most studies on the indoor air quality of newly built schools have focused only on the number of schools exceeding a standard or on subjective symptoms, such as sneezing, irritated eyes and an irritated nose. However, there has been no report on how poor indoor air quality affects children’s academic performance. This study evaluated the effects of indoor air quality on the neurobehavioral performance of elementary school children. Methods: This study measured the indoor air pollutants and compared children’s performance, using a computerized neurobehavioral test, between a newly built and a 12-year-old school. In addition, a questionnaire was administered regarding the indoor air quality related symptoms of children in a newly built and a 12-year-old school. Results: In the newly built school, the formaldehyde levels in the 1st and 4th classes with an open window were 34.6 and 27.3 μg/㎥, respectively. The levels in the 1st and 4th classes with the window closed were 80.2 and 127.1 μg/㎥, respectively. In the 12-year-old school, the formaldehyde levels in 1st and 4th class with open and closed window were 12.6 and 7.5 μg/㎥, and 19.8 and 25.2 μg/㎥, respectively. With respect to total volatile organic compounds, the levels in the 1st and 4th classes with the window open in the newly built school were 87.2 and 428.2 μg/㎥, respectively. In the 1st and 4th classes with the window closed, the total volatile organic compounds were 1,283.5 and 1,715.4 μg/㎥, respectively. In the 12-year-old school, the total volatile organic compounds were 240.9 and 150.8 μg/㎥, and 371.9 and 448.0 μg/㎥ in the 1st and 4th classes, respectively. In the case of a newly built school, the performance of the students in the neurobehavioral test in the 4th class with the window closed was 8.3% lower than for those in the 1st class with the window closed, but was only 5.9% lower when the windows were open. There was a statistical significant difference in the total numbers of symptoms between the two schools. Conclusions: These results suggest a proper evaluation of the indoor air quality within schools is required into both the level of contamination and the health effects of these contaminants toward children.